- RKV CapCom
Molly Brown, RKV. I'm getting an indication of OAMS thrust forward-firing. I have negative OAMS yaw firing on the ground.
- Gus Grissom
We're not doing any firing. We're not even in MANEUVER and ATTITUDE and we haven't touched the handle.
- Gus Grissom
Okay. It will be about two minutes before we start it. So you punch off your stopwatch and tell me — give me a mark to stop it—just in case it doesn't go to zero.
- John Young
Yes, but it should have been 48. I don't know why it came out to 50. Should we bring it down to 48?
- Gus Grissom
Key moment First orbit change of a crewed spacecraft, lowering the orbit into an almost circular one: MARK!