Gus Grissom

Okay. We all set?

John Young

Yes. Now we go through the post-main checklist.

Gus Grissom

Let's see, can they read us now?

Gus Grissom

Cape CAP COM, this is Molly Brown.

USS Intrepid

Roger. We are reading you now and then. How us?

Gus Grissom

Loud and clear. I have 30 ft/sec rate of descent. Passing through 5500.

John Young

You never took your D-Ring out, huh?

USS Intrepid

Roger, 5500.

John Young

Oh, did you?

Gus Grissom

You better believe it!

John Young

Face plate open?

John Young

That's what the checklist says. Indicate Landing Control circuit breaker open.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on March 23, 1965, 7:13 p.m. UTC (59 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

John Young

Indicate Landing Attitude Control circuit breaker open. That's that second one over on your panel. There you go.

John Young

ACME bias power off.

USS Intrepid

Molly Brown, this is Intrepid. It appears you will land 5 miles ahead of me. Over.

Gus Grissom

Roger. Thank you.

John Young

That'll be nice. Rescue beacon is on.

Gus Grissom

Do you have us in sight, Intrepid?

USS Intrepid

Not yet. Over.

John Young

I'll turn the rescue beacon on, then.

Gus Grissom

Rescue beacon coming on.

Gus Grissom

Passing through 4000.

John Young

Suit fan to No. 2.

Gus Grissom

That drogue chute is right above us, or the pilot chute.

USS Intrepid

I understand the drogue is just above you, or the pilot chute.

John Young

RCS heater's off. We did not do that heater check. Oh, well. We didn't need it anyways. RCS temperature was way up. Scanner Heater circuit breaker open.

Gus Grissom

Do you smell that fuel? Fumes from that stuff?

John Young

Yes. Let's close up.

Gus Grissom

Yes. I can see 'em smoking out there.

John Young

Suit flow increase.

Gus Grissom

They'll get quenched in a minute.

John Young

Reentry Antenna Experiment off.

John Young

Okay. Manual O2 High Rate—PULL. I don't think we want to do that yet, do you?

Gus Grissom

I imagine it is pretty bad in here.

John Young

The water seal is closed. AC power off.

Gus Grissom

We're coming through the lower layer, John. You better get ready to hit. We're at 2000. No telling how far the altimeter is off.

John Young

I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Gus Grissom

You can put your head back.

John Young

Landing attitude was a bump, wasn't it?