Phase 4: 3rd Orbit

CSQ CapCom

Molly Brown, CSQ CAP COM.

Gus Grissom

CSQ, this is Molly Brown. Go ahead.

CSQ CapCom

Roger. What's the status?

CSQ CapCom

Roger. You look good from the ground. Stand by to copy Three-Bravo times.

CSQ CapCom

Molly Brown, CSQ. Let me know when you are ready.

Gus Grissom

Roger. We are ready.

CSQ CapCom

GMTRC 18 37 58. Ground elapsed time 04 13 58. Bank angle—roll left 55. ΔV 93. Molly Brown, CSQ. Did you copy?

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on March 23, 1965, 6:12 p.m. UTC (59 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

John Young

Roger. GMTRC is 18 37 58.

CSQ CapCom


John Young

Bank angle—55 left. ΔV 93.

CSQ CapCom


CSQ CapCom

Molly Brown, CSQ CAP COM. Cape recommends you perform your OAMS retroburn in BEF after alinement, and stay in BEF up to retrofire.

Gus Grissom

Roger. Agree with that.

CSQ CapCom

Molly Brown, CSQ. Did you finish your retrofire checklist?

CSQ CapCom

Molly Brown, CSQ. Stand by for a GMT time hack.

CSQ CapCom

On my mark, GMT will be 18 14 40.

CSQ CapCom


Gus Grissom

Give me one on the even minute.

CSQ CapCom


CSQ CapCom


CSQ CapCom

Key moment Synergistic Effect of Zero Gravity on Sea Urchin Eggs Experiment, a secondary mission objective, fails to activate due to broken handle.: We are standing by for your Sea Urchin Egg Experiment.

Gus Grissom

Roger. It's being activated.

CSQ CapCom

Roger. Would you give me a GMT when you turn the handle?

Gus Grissom

Roger. GMT 15:20.

CSQ CapCom


Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Roger. Read you loud and clear. We are going to send you a new 4-1 command load and TR. Do you have your timer set at 34:00?

Gus Grissom

Timer set at 34:00.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Okay. In the meantime I'd like to get helium source temperature, pressure, and quantity reading from you.

Gus Grissom

OAMS propellant quantity is 55 percent.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Roger. 55 percent. Could I have the temperature and pressure? We are going to send you a command load at this time.

John Young

Roger. Source pressure is 1950. Source temperature is 81°.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Roger. Thank you. Command load coming.

Gus Grissom

And the pre-retro checklist is complete, Pete.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Roger. Understand, pre-retro checklist is complete. You've got a new TR. You've got a command load. Your clocks are synched down here on the ground and I have about 2 minutes and 15 seconds to go to your 34-minute time hack.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

If you are looking at the ground, Molly Brown, Carnarvon has a big fire going for you down here.

Gus Grissom

We are blunt-end-forward. We can't see them yet.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Molly Brown, Carnarvon CAP COM. We have a GO here on the ground, and I have about 1 minute, 30 seconds till your time hack.

Pete Conrad (CapCom)

Molly Brown, Carnarvon. When you have a chance from the pilot, the medics would like to get a reading on the food evaluation.

Gus Grissom

No time, we'll see them when we get back.

John Young

Everything is in order.