Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Okay, fine. You want to turn your standby transmitter off?

John Young

Roger, standby transmitter off.

Gus Grissom

Standby transmitter off.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Have you tried secondary scanner?

Gus Grissom

Roger. We were on secondary scanner for quite awhile. We are back on primary now.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Okay, if you think the platform is drifting too much there for that Control Mode Characteristic Check, just delete that — that at 3 + 30.

Gus Grissom

Roger. I deleted that one Horizon Scanner Mode Check, too.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Okay. I have your 4-1 weather for you.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

It is broken cloud conditions. 20 miles visibility. Wind is 20 knots, at 5 foot seas.

Gus Grissom

Roger, 20 and 5 foot.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. Did you have any success on contact with the booster?

Gus Grissom

We were facing the wrong way at that time, making a Horizon Scanner Check.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Yeah, I was afraid you would be. That was a little bit tight in there.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Did you manage to see anything over the U.S. because of the clouds?

Gus Grissom

We could see the southern part of California and Arizona, I guess. That was about it.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

You want to get your real-time telemetry and acq aid on?

John Young

I can't see it, Gus. I'm blind from looking outside.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

How's the weather, in general, around the world?

Gus Grissom

We've seen very little land.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

All clouds and water, huh?

Gus Grissom

Yep, not even much water.

John Young

Roger. We got a DCS update just then. Was that the TX. Over?

Gus Grissom

We just got DCS update, Gordo. Was that the TX?

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. They got it up and verified.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Molly Brown, Cape CAP COM.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on March 23, 1965, 5:34 p.m. UTC (59 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

We understand you don't have this rolling off in Free mode. Is that affirmative?

Gus Grissom

I don't have any in SEF or BEF mode, Gordo. I haven't checked Free yet. Give me another few minutes.

Gus Grissom

But the platform does aline properly in the BEF mode. I can tell that already.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

We have good verification on your load now, Molly Brown. It looks good.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Have you had a chance to check that Free mode yet?

Gus Grissom

I'm in Free mode now, and it looks like it is working all right.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Very good. We were sure interested in that.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

I would like for you to turn that cabin fan on for two minutes and then back off when you can to see as a little experiment.