- John Young
Well, that's great! I can't bust up the bag. Sure like to get that smell out of here and the only way I can do it is to bust that bag.
- John Young
Oh, okay. Well thanks, I'm done. I'm supposed to be doing that O2 High Rate Check. Is it at 2:40 in the flight plan?
- John Young
And at the start of the O2 High Rate Check, O2 quantity was reading 65 percent. Cabin pressure was 5.1. Cabin pressure is building slowly.
- John Young
Yeah, not bad, is it? See, the O2 pressure is coming down now. Okay, the mains coming on the line, in case we need the heaters.
- John Young
Yeah. Okay, the O2 pressure is now down to 925 and we have been on O2 High Rate two minutes. Coming up on two minutes.
- Gus Grissom
Still don't have that scanner light out. There it goes. That's what caused that thing to go out the last time—when you turned those mains on.
- Gus Grissom
Yes, but it came back on again, though.
- John Young
Okay, that's three minutes and ten seconds of O2 High Rate. Don't want to stay on it five minutes. I think that is more than a guy can stand. The suit inlet temperature is up to 64 and pressure is down to 825. We will shoot it a shot of manual heaters here when it gets to 800.
- John Young
Okay, MARK. Four minutes on the O2 High Rate Check. Now we will go to the first shot of manual heaters.
- John Young
Yeah. That's what they said it'd do, didn't they? Okay, 10 seconds to go, and been holding the manual heater switch in for the last minute. It's keeping the pressure up to 825.
- John Young
Can't see a thing, Gus. The quantity at the end of the O2 High Rate Check was down to 62 percent. Started at 66 and ended 62. I can't see a thing out the window, Gus, because of the sun.
Spoken on March 23, 1965, 5:06 p.m. UTC (59 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: