RKV CapCom
Molly Brown, RKV. I'm getting an indication of OAMS thrust forward-firing. I have negative OAMS yaw firing on the ground.
Gus Grissom
We're not doing any firing. We're not even in MANEUVER and ATTITUDE and we haven't touched the handle.
Gus Grissom
Okay. It will be about two minutes before we start it. So you punch off your stopwatch and tell me — give me a mark to stop it—just in case it doesn't go to zero.
John Young
Yes, but it should have been 48. I don't know why it came out to 50. Should we bring it down to 48?
Gus Grissom
It came up 48 initially. We're at a different place in the orbit. 30 seconds.
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Gus Grissom
Key moment First orbit change of a crewed spacecraft, lowering the orbit into an almost circular one: MARK!
Spoken on March 23, 1965, 3:56 p.m. UTC (59 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet