Phase 2: 1st Orbit

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. We have an 87 by 125 orbit, Molly Brown.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. You have an 87 by 125 orbit. I'll get you One-Alpha shortly.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. new One-Alpha time is elapsed time of 18:12. 18 minutes, 12 seconds.

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Roger. Write fast, John.

Gus Grissom

That horizon is right where they said it would be.

Gus Grissom

Let's see, have we got everything on this checklist, John? Let's see—retrorockets safe. Yes.

Gus Grissom


John Young

Maneuver controller—stowed. Sequence lights—test.

Gus Grissom

Arm restraints, face plates—open.

John Young

Secondary O2 bottle is closed. I've got mine. Waste valve to NORMAL.

Gus Grissom


Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Look better there than on a ballistic flight?

Gordon Cooper (CapCom)

Does it look better from there than on a ballistic flight?

Gus Grissom

I can't read you, Gordo.

John Young

Computer—PRELAUNCH. High frequency is off. Antenna selector to ADAPTER.

John Young

Cape CAP COM, how do you read on adapter antenna? Over.

Gus Grissom

Maybe we lost 'em.

Gus Grissom

Man, it's hard to watch that gyro.

Gus Grissom

Guess you've got to stow the drogue pins, huh?

John Young

Yes. Stow those drogue pins.

Gus Grissom

Cape CAP COM, Molly Brown. How do you read?

Gus Grissom

Cape CAP COM, Molly Brown. How do you read?

Gus Grissom

Better go to reentry antenna.

Gus Grissom

Cape CAP COM, how do you read Molly Brown?

Gus Grissom

I think we've lost them now. let's leave it on adapter antenna and we'll try at Canaries.

Gus Grissom

Let's get lined up here.

John Young

I'll put the mains to OFF and see what we've got. Look here, we've still got a … I want to put these off. I'll put them off one at a time, or we may drop voltage.

Gus Grissom

What's our time coming in to the Canaries?

John Young

Time is 14 something. Just a second. Okay, Canary is 14:50 acquisition. LOS 21:42.

Gus Grissom

I'd say I was alined pretty good, wouldn't you?

John Young

Shoot, Gus, I can't get my blood pressure bulb in. I really can't.

Gus Grissom

It wants to keep yawing us all the time.

Gus Grissom

It wants to keep yawing us all the time.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on March 23, 1965, 2:34 p.m. UTC (59 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Gus Grissom

We must have a leak.

John Young

What kind of leak?

Gus Grissom

You want the plotboard?

Gus Grissom

If I can get it out.

John Young

The intercom is noisy, isn't it?

Gus Grissom

I can't get the plotboard out of there.

Gus Grissom

I can't get it out, John.

John Young

Can't get the plotboard out?

Gus Grissom

I'll darn sure never get it in. Oh yes, there it comes.

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM. How do you read?

Gus Grissom

Canary CAP COM, this is Molly Brown. how do you read?

Canary CapCom

Roger. Read you loud and clear, Molly Brown.

Gus Grissom

I read you the same.

Canary CapCom

We have your T/M solid and all systems look good on the ground.

Gus Grissom

Okay, we look pretty good up here.

Canary CapCom

I have your 2-1 time if you are ready to copy. Do you copy, Molly Brown?

Gus Grissom

Okay. Ready with 2-1.

Canary CapCom

Roger. ΔV139. GMTRC 15 55 47. GETRC 01 31 47. Roll left 55°. GMTRB 16 05 31. Roll right 65. Did you copy?

Gus Grissom

Did you get 'em?

Gus Grissom

There goes a planet up there.

Gus Grissom

Did you get 'em?

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM.

Gus Grissom

We're getting ready to read them back to you.

Canary CapCom


John Young

Roger. ΔV of 139. GMT of 16-belay that—15 55 47.

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM. Request you place your radiator switch to the FLOW position.

John Young

Roger. Radiator is in FLOW position. Has been the whole pass.

John Young

It's cooling us right down too. It's working.

John Young

Reading back a GMT of 2-1—15 55 47 GMTRC. GMTRB is 16 05 31. Bank angle 55° left and right 65°.

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM. We are standing by for your UHF Com Check. Do you copy?

John Young

Roger. We are on UHF #2. Have been the whole pass. Over.

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM.

Gus Grissom

Go ahead.

John Young

I don't think they read me.

Canary CapCom

Roger. We are standing by for your UHF Com Check, and would you place your radiator switch to your FLOW position?

Gus Grissom

Roger. John has been answering all of those. He's just in RECORD.

John Young

Roger. The radiator has been in FLOW the whole pass. The UHF has been on No. 2 the whole pass. over.

Canary CapCom

Roger. Copy you loud and clear, Molly Brown. We are standing by for your blood pressure.

John Young

Roger. Blood pressure is coming down.

Canary CapCom

Molly Brown, Canary CAP COM. Be advised, on your 15 second burn you achieved a 12.6 ft/sec. Did you copy?

Gus Grissom

Key moment Problem with one of the OAMS thrusters, possibly similar to problems experienced later on Gemini VIII: Roger. Understand. I seem to have a leak. There must be a leak in one of the thrusters, because I get a continuous yaw left.